Notable Victories and Accomplishments

Won a defense summary judgment for the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation As Receiver in a civil lawsuit in the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Illinois. Plaintiffs filed a thirteen (13) count complaint against the FDIC As Receiver for Amcore Investment Group, N.A. (“Amcore”) and other defendants. This victory is especially large because cross motions for summary judgment were filed, and Plaintiffs’ last demand claimed damages in excess of $1.24 Million on transactions where the balance on loans to the Plaintiffs escalated from $5.6 Million to $10.6 Million. The District Court Judge rejected Plaintiffs’ motion outright, granted our motion, and dismissed the matter entirely.

Favorably settled Fair Labor Standards Act class action for a large meat-packing and distribution company where the class comprised of ninety-one (91) potential plaintiffs.

Argued forty one (41) motions on behalf of a Fortune 500 utility, prevailing on forty (40).

Numerous successful determinations from administrative agencies regarding discrimination in employment and housing.

Recently completed a transaction involving the transfer of two hundred seventeen (217) parcels of land between a municipal client and two (2) other municipal entities.

Represented the Northern Trust Company for its funding in the historic event of establishing the first charter high school to be located in the heart of downtown Chicago.


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